latest news
October 19, 2020
This past Wednesday, I spoke at the Gospel, Redemption and Shame conference run by the Transforming Shame group. (You can watch the talks on their YouTube […]
July 15, 2020
f shame is the problem, what do we do about sin? There’s a danger, for those of us wanting to speak God’s word to the shamed, […]
May 4, 2020
Last Friday, I “went” to a meeting of the Transforming Shame group. This is a collection of researchers, pastors, missionaries and others with an interest in […]
April 23, 2020
While we were editing and putting together the book, there were a few sections which didn’t make it into the final manuscript. Here’s one of my […]
March 12, 2020
2020 is going to be the year we start taking shame seriously in the church, and one of the reasons for that is the number of […]
January 4, 2020
“What’s going to happen when they realise?” I have just sent in a chapter about shame for a psychology book. I’m not a professional psychologist, and […]

H ello! I'm Simon. I'm married to Henrietta and I have two children, Caitlin and Luke.
At various points in my life, I've worked as a computer programmer, been part of a team planting new churches in Japan, and taught prospective missionaries at a Bible college in Australia.
These days, I live in the UK, and I'm helping my mission organisation explore what mission could look like in the future. I also think quite a lot about the problem of shame...